
"Alright, let’s go straight to the facts by listing the three most important bands in Seattle music history: The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Nirvana, and the Swarming Hordes. No, this is not hyperbole. Ask anyone who has lived in Seattle for the past decade or two and they’ll say the exact same thing. The Hordes toured with Modest Mouse, said “fuck you” to an offer from Sub Pop, played so hard they’d often throw up at the end of shows, had fashion mullets and ironic mustaches before it was fashionable and ironic, skateboarded to Hell and back while cranking Nuns Have No Fun, made Slayer and Metallica temporarily break-up, and laughed in the face of the Fucking Champs. No superlatives needed. Seriously, just ask. I dare you. Just ask! Bow down and play some fucking metal."
Members went on to jam with Girth, the Abodox, and tons of other bands.